Our heritage consultants work across the UK helping clients meet planning conditions to deliver their developments. With an emphasis on innovative, practical and proportionate solutions, our experience and knowledge are invaluable at all stages of your planning process.


When heritage consultancy is required

The historic environment is an important consideration in planning at a local, regional and national level. Our consultancy team can offer expert advice and support throughout the development process from design input through to the discharge of a planning condition.

Wessex Archaeology provides a range of technical support including stakeholder engagement, research and creating documentation to support an application. Our senior consultants can also appear as expert witnesses for public inquiries.

To find out more about archaeology in the planning process follow this link.

Contact our team today

+44 1722 326867

+44 1722 326867


Clare King

Principal Heritage Consultant

Clare King

Thomas Piggott

Heritage Researcher

Thomas Piggott

Naomi Brennan

Senior Heritage Consultant

Naomi Brennan

Isobel Curwen

Heritage Consultant

Isobel Curwen

Johanna Greaves

Heritage Researcher

Johanna Greaves

Pre-application advice



Documentary research

Stakeholder engagement

Technical support

Abby Bryant

Get in touch

Contact Abby Bryant, Chief Commercial Officer

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