For some time, Wessex Archaeology has been looking to expand the Consultancy team in Sheffield. It was recognised early in the process that a new position was needed to nurture emerging talent in the sector. 

Abby Bryant, Director of Consultancy, explained: “To say the response to the advert for a graduate researcher was overwhelming is an understatement! From over 70 applications we managed to whittle the field down to half a dozen candidates for interview. Fittingly, the successful recruit is a Sheffield University graduate, with a background in Landscape Archaeology who really impressed with both the quality of her written application and her response to the pressures of the interview on the day.

We are delighted to announce Bethany (Beth) Watson as the newest Consultancy Team recruit. Bethany will be working closely with members of the team to deliver on desk-based projects and develop her skills in the commercial heritage consultancy field.

Bethany said: “I am very excited to be joining the highly-experienced heritage team here at Wessex Archaeology’s Sheffield Office. Throughout my MA Landscape Archaeology at the University of Sheffield that I completed this September, I became interested in promoting the value of the historic environment within the planning process through GIS and archival research. In my first few weeks of working with the company, I have already been working on my first desk-based assessment and I am looking forward to gaining more experience in this role in the future. 

In my spare time, I like to visit the local heritage sites, and go for walks in the Peaks. Also, I like to play tennis and board games, and I am fiercely competitive at both (although competitiveness doesn’t usually mean success)!”  

By Abby Bryant, Consultancy Director