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American Journal of Archaeology

The Brothel of Pompeii: Sex, Class, and Gender at the Margins of Roman Society

124.1 By Sarah Levin-Richardson. Pp. xx + 243. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2019. $99.99. ISBN 9781108496872 (cloth). Reviewed by John R. ClarkeLevin-Richardson’s book fills a gap in the scholarship, since—as the author’s careful…
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American Journal of Archaeology

Petra, The Mountain of Aaron: The Finnish Archaeological Project in Jordan. Vol. 2, The Nabataean Sanctuary and the Byzantine Monastery

124.1 By Zbigniew T. Fiema, Jaakko Frösen, and Maija Holappa. Pp. viii + 601, DVD of virtual tour. Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki 2016. €140. ISBN 978-951-653-410-0 (cloth). Reviewed by S. Thomas ParkerFor many years, the fabulous…
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American Journal of Archaeology

God’s Library: The Archaeology of the Earliest Christian Manuscripts

124.1 By Brent Nongbri. Pp. xi + 403. Yale University Press, New Haven and London 2018. $35. ISBN 978-0-300-21541-0 (cloth). Reviewed by Steven M. StannishThe collecting of early Christianity’s remnants has an extraordinary history. In the…
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American Journal of Archaeology

L’artisanat dans les cités antiques de l’Algérie: Ier siècle avant notre ère–VIIe siècle après notre ère

124.1 By Touatia Amraoui (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 26). Pp. xx + 425. Archaeopress, Oxford 2017. £50. ISBN 978-1-78491-667-1 (paper). Reviewed by Matthew S. HobsonWhen considering the subject of urban workshops and Roman North Africa,…
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American Journal of Archaeology

The Hellenistic Harbour of Amathus: Underwater Excavations, 1984–1986. Vols. 1, 2

124.1 Vol. 1, Architecture and History By Jean-Yves Empereur and Tony Koželj, with Olivier Picard and Manuela Wurch-Koželj (Études chypriotes 19). Pp. 169. École Française d’Athènes, Athens 2017. €40. ISBN 978-2-86958-293…
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American Journal of Archaeology

Le kyathos attique de Madame Teithurnai: Échanges artisanaux et interactions culturelles entre Grecs et Étrusques en Méditerranée archaïque

124.1 By Delphine Tonglet (Études d’Archéologie 13). 2 vols.: vol. 1, pp. 371; vol. 2, pp. 204. Centre de Recherches en Archéologie et Patrimoine, Brussels 2018. $71.81. ISBN 9782960202908 (paper).   Reviewed by Sheramy D. BundrickIn this…
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American Journal of Archaeology

Building Mid-Republican Rome: Labor, Architecture, and the Urban Economy

124.1 By Seth Bernard. Pp. xvi + 315. Oxford University Press, New York 2018. $85. ISBN 978-0-19-087878-8 (cloth). Reviewed by John North HopkinsOur image of Rome in the Middle Republic is filling out quickly. In recent years, a flood of…
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American Journal of Archaeology

Cities: The First 6,000 Years

124.1 By Monica L. Smith. Pp. 283. Viking, New York 2019. $30. ISBN 978-0-7352-2367-7 (paper). Reviewed by Nicola TerrenatoCities: The First 6,000 Years is a lively romp that takes the reader through a rich landscape of urban scenarios and…
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American Journal of Archaeology

Gardens of the Roman Empire

124.1 Edited by Wilhelmina F. Jashemski, Kathryn L. Gleason, Kim J. Hartswick, and Amina-Aïcha Malek. Pp. xxxvi + 617. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018. $275. ISBN 978-1-13903-302-2 (cloth).  Reviewed by Nicole G. BrownIt is a…
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American Journal of Archaeology

Roman Turdetania: Romanization, Identity and Socio-Cultural Interaction in the South of the Iberian Peninsula Between the 4th and 1st centuries BCE

124.1 Edited by Gonzalo Cruz Andreotti (Cultural Interactions in the Mediterranean 3). Pp. xxiii + 256. Brill, Leiden 2018. $148. ISBN 978-90-04-37340-2 (cloth). Reviewed by Linda R. GosnerStrabo famously praised the southern Spanish region…
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American Journal of Archaeology

The Domus del Ninfeo at Ostia (III, VI, 1–3): Structure, Function, and Social Context

124.1 By Alessandra Batty (BAR-IS 2909). Pp. xiv + 238. BAR Publishing, Oxford 2018. £57.50. ISBN 978-1407-31614-7 (paper).  Reviewed by Margaret M. AndrewsBatty’s monograph on Ostia’s Domus del Ninfeo—an Imperial-period insula turned Late…
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American Journal of Archaeology

Les pratiques funéraires de l’Âge du Fer en Grèce du Nord: Ètude d’histoires régionales

124.1 By Anne-Zahra Chemsseddoha (Scripta Antiqua 121). Pp. 533. Ausonius Éditions, Pessac, France 2019. €30. ISBN 9782356132499 (paper). Reviewed by Elina M. SalminenChemsseddoha has written a book that would not have been possible even a…
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American Journal of Archaeology

Reuse and Renovation in Roman Material Culture: Functions, Aesthetics, Interpretations

124.1 Edited by Diana Y. Ng and Molly Swetnam-Burland, eds. Pp. xv + 275. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018. $105. ISBN 978-1-108-47389-7 (cloth). Reviewed by Maryl B. GensheimerThis volume explores diachronic histories of Roman…
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Archaeological Institute America

1,600-Year-Old Bone Pendants Discovered in Turkey

ÇANAKKALE, TURKEY—Two pendants carved from bone some 1,600 years ago have been unearthed in western Turkey at the site of a bone workshop near the agora in the ancient city of Assos, according to a Hürriyet Daily News report. Nurettin Arslan of…
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Archaeological Institute America

Fragments of Ancient Egyptian Book Found

LEUVEN, BELGIUM—According to a New York Times report, a team of researchers led by Harco Willems of the University of Leuven examined high-resolution images of 4,000-year-old wood fragments recovered from a burial shaft in the necropolis at Deir el-…
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Archaeological Institute America

Possible Japanese Author of Ancient Chinese Epitaph Identified

BEIJING, CHINA—According to a report in The Asahi Shimbun, a Chinese epitaph at China’s Shenzhen Wangye Museum may have been written by Kibi no Makibi, a powerful Japanese scholar and official, while he was a student in China in the early eighth…
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Archaeological Institute America

Gold Coins Dated to Islamic Era Unearthed in Israel

YAVNE, ISRAEL—The Times of Israel reports that seven gold coins dated to the Early Islamic period were discovered in a small, broken jug near the entrance to a kiln in central Israel. A large number of kilns have been uncovered in the area,…
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Current Archaeology

Excavating the Neolithic at Street House

The latest excavations at Street House, near Loftus, have explored an Early Neolithic monument dating to c.3700 BC. The post Excavating the Neolithic at Street House appeared first on Current Archaeology.
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Archaeological Institute America

Roman and Anglo-Saxon Graves Uncovered in England

COVENTRY, ENGLAND—BBC News reports that artifacts and graves dating to the Roman and Anglo-Saxon periods were unearthed ahead of a construction project in England’s West Midlands. In the cremation burial of a young Roman girl, a team of…
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Archaeological Institute America

Symptoms of Heart Disease Detected in Inuit Mummies

CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS—According to a Discover Magazine report, symptoms of atherosclerosis, or hardening and narrowing of the arteries, have been detected in the mummified remains of four Inuit adults who lived in Greenland some 500 years ago. It…
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