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Museum Crush

Britain’s best 360-degree virtual museum visits

We reckon we’ve got enough virtual-360-degree-panorama-museum-tours in this round up to keep you going until Christmas… Let’s be honest, virtual 360-degree tours or panoramas can be a bit weird sometimes, but we are in very weird times and a 360…
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Museum Crush

The best 360-degree UK museum tours you can take at home

We reckon we’ve got enough virtual-360-degree-panorama-museum-tours in this round up to keep you going until Christmas… Let’s be honest, virtual 360-degree tours or panoramas can be a bit weird sometimes, but we are in very weird times and a 360…
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Archaeological Institute America

Study Suggests Human Tooth Shapes Can Track Relationships

TÜBINGEN, GERMANY—According to a statement released by the University of Tübingen, Hannes Rathmann and Hugo Reyes-Centeno suggest that certain aspects of inherited tooth shape such as the groove pattern in crowns, the relative size of cusps, the…
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Archaeological Institute America

Study Suggests Tooth Shapes Can Track Genetic Relationships

TÜBINGEN, GERMANY—According to a statement released by the University of Tübingen, Hannes Rathmann and Hugo Reyes-Centeno suggest that certain aspects of inherited tooth shape such as the groove pattern in crowns, the relative size of cusps, the…
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Archaeological Institute America

Food Residues Offer Clues to Hunter-Gatherer Cuisines

YORK, ENGLAND—According to a statement released by the University of York, an international team of researchers led by Harry Robson of the University of York analyzed food residues on pottery fragments recovered from 61 archaeological sites in the…
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Museum Crush

Museum of London begins collecting Covid-19 objects and experiences

Museum of London has announced plans to collect both objects and first-hand experiences to reflect Londoners’ lives during the Covid-19 crisis The Museum of London holds collections relating to several epidemics and outbreaks in London over the…
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Current Archaeology

Review – Early Christianity in South-West Britain: Wessex, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall, and the Channel Islands

Christianity was first brought to Britain by the Romans and it underwent many drastic changes between the time of its initial introduction and the Norman Conquest. In this book, Elizabeth Rees – a Roman Catholic nun and expert on early Christianity…
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Archaeological Institute America

Fingerprints on Early Bronze Age Pottery Studied in Israel

RAMAT GAN, ISRAEL—Kent D. Fowler of the University of Manitoba and Aren Maeir of Bar-Ilan University and their colleagues suggest that some 4,700 years ago, men were largely responsible for making pottery at Tell es-Safi, a site in central Israel…
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Archaeological Institute America

Study Suggests Bronze Age Swords Were Heavily Used

GÖTTINGEN, GERMANY—Science Magazine reports that researchers led by Raphael Hermann of the University of Göttingen created bronze swords and staged battles with them in order to determine if Bronze Age warriors actually fought with weapons made of…
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The British Museum

Bonnie Greer: three journeys

In these days of undoing, I remember three journeys. The first was a lifetime ago. I was a young child. Three years old, I think. I remember the smell of cold fried chicken mixed with the smell of cardboard. The chicken was part of the meal that our…
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Current Archaeology

Review – The Pilgrimages of Hadrian’s Wall 1849-2019: a history

The decennial Pilgrimage of Hadrian’s Wall is an act of veneration for the most-substantial Roman monument in Britain, and the outstanding frontier-work of the Roman Empire. Professionals and amateurs mingle, travel the Wall, and hear and discuss…
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Archaeological Institute America

Scientists Analyze Medieval Blue Pigment

LISBON, PORTUGAL—According to a statement released by NOVA University Lisbon, an interdiciplinary team of researchers from NOVA University Lisbon, University of Porto, and University of Aveiro followed medieval recipes to recreate a blue watercolor…
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Archaeological Institute America

Medieval Monastery Uncovered in Bosnia and Herzegovina

GORAZDE, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA—The Sarajevo Times reports that traces of a monastery dated to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries have been uncovered in southeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina at Sopotnica, which is known as the site of a 500-year-…
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Archaeological Institute America

Paleolithic Engraving Found on Burial Slab in Israel

HAIFA, ISRAEL—According to a Haaretz report, researchers Danny Rosenberg, György Lengyel, Dani Nadel, and Rivka Chasan of the University of Haifa have found an engraving on a Natufian burial slab discovered in northern Israel’s Raqefet Cave. The…
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Archaeological Institute America

Headless, Kneeling Skeleton Found in Central China

HENAN PROVINCE, CHINA—According to a Xinhua report, archaeologists from the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and the Jiyuan Municipal Cultural Relics Team have uncovered a headless human skeleton in a pit at central…
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Archaeology Orkney

Online UHI Archaeology Institute Research Seminar

In this period of Lockdown, The University of the Highlands and Islands Archaeology Institute invite you to attend a digital research seminar on Friday 24th April 2020 at 4pm BST. Everyone is welcome to dial in…not just UHI students. Raymond……
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Current Archaeology

Review – Society and Administration in the Ulster Plantation Towns, 1610-89

This book is a welcome addition to the existing large corpus of material on the establishment and development of the plantation of Ulster by settlers from England and Scotland in the early years of the 17th century. The post Review – Society and…
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Archaeological Institute America

Artificial Intelligence Identifies Ancient Dog Poop

CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS—According to a Science Magazine report, molecular archaeologist Christina Warinner of Harvard University, Maxime Borry of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, and their colleagues have developed a tool…
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Archaeological Institute America

Turkey’s Zerzevan Castle Considered for World Heritage List

DIYARBAKIR, TURKEY—The Anadolu Agency reports that southeastern Turkey’s Zerzevan Castle may be named to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The fortress was built by the Romans on a hilltop on the eastern edge of their empire in the fourth century A.D…
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Archaeological Institute America

Cannon Unearthed at Macau Construction Site

MACAU, CHINA—Macau News reports that a cannon was uncovered during construction work in the Inner Harbor area of the city of Macau, which is located on coastal islands in the South China Sea. Ming Dynasty officials leased the area to Portuguese…
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