Wessex Archaeology’s consultancy team are highly experienced professionals who have worked across the heritage sector. Our team can produce Written Schemes of Investigation (WSI) for all types of work including archaeological watching briefs, evaluations and excavations, historic building work and non-intrusive surveys like geophysics and fieldwalking.

A Written Scheme of Investigation outlines known and potential archaeological features and deposits or built heritage elements on a site and suggests a structure for exploring them using the latest, most appropriate and cost-effective archaeological techniques. Our team can produce quality WSIs which meet the highest of professional standards and satisfy the requirements of the local authority. This can include consultation with the local authority, providing advice and support to a client and devising innovative strategies that result in efficient approval and cost-effective solutions.

To find out more about archaeology in the planning process follow this link.


Sander Aerts

Environmental Manager

Sander Aerts

Andrew Shaw

Principal Geoarchaeologist

Andrew Shaw

Naomi Brennan

Senior Heritage Consultant

Naomi Brennan


Heritage statement

Statements of significance

Historic environment risk appraisals

Historic environment desk-based assessment

Settings assessment

EIA archaeology and cultural heritage chapters

Historic environment management

Historic landscape characterisation & interpretation

Monument condition survey

Historic landscape condition survey

Scheduled monuments

Written scheme of investigation

Geophysical survey

Contact our team today

+44 1722 326867

+44 1722 326867
Abby Bryant

Get in touch

Contact Abby Bryant, Chief Commercial Officer

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