Geophysical surveys are an invaluable non-intrusive method of assessing archaeological potential for planning requirements, providing swift results for developers and the renewables, oil and gas, transport, utilities and aggregates industries.
Wessex Archaeology provide effective risk management through high-quality geophysical data and reliable archaeological interpretation. We can undertake a range of surveys including Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), gradiometer, Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Electromagnetic (EM) and Earth Resistance. We will tailor geophysical surveys to your needs in a cost-effective manner.
Wessex Archaeology is a leading architect of innovative archaeological solutions. You will benefit from the expertise of the largest dedicated archaeological geophysical unit in the UK, with capability nationwide through our network of regional offices. We have rapidly mobilised the largest commercial team to date to a recent Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP), while providing concurrent reporting.
Our breadth of archaeological experience leads to a cohesive approach where in-house experts from different disciplines meet throughout the lifecycle of a project, meaning that each stage, from desk-based study through non-intrusive geophysical survey to archaeological evaluation and excavation, are handled efficiently. Our diversity allows us to deploy multiple techniques when required, for enhanced risk management on your behalf. Our experience regularly extends into Europe and worldwide. We continually invest in new instruments, technology and training.
We work to Historic England’s guidelines for geophysical survey and frequently exceed these requirements to provide increased resolution for specific targets.

Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
Electromagnetic (EM)
Earth Resistance

Get in touch
Contact Tom Richardson, Technical Manager Geophysics