Wessex Archaeology produces high-quality desk-based assessments (DBA) which are often submitted in conjunction with planning applications to identify any likely heritage constraints which may be present at a development site.


What is included in a DBA

A DBA comprises a study of the historic environment around the proposed site and normally includes historical and archaeological background information gathered through a range of methods including:

  • documentary research
  • interrogation of the local Historic Environment Record and other available sources
  • creation of a photographic record of the site and its surroundings
  • an assessment of the significance of any identified heritage assets.

A DBA may also include strategies to mitigate any potential impact on heritage assets.


The Desk-Based Assessment Team

Our team draw on years of experience in producing DBAs for development or research programmes. They are highly skilled researchers and produce detailed documents that accurately provide a proportionate assessment.

Heritage statement

Statements of significance

Historic environment risk appraisals

Historic environment desk-based assessment

Historic landscape characterisation and interpretation

Monument/historic landscape condition survey

Scheduled monuments

Written scheme of investigation

Contact our team today

+44 1722 326867

+44 1722 326867
Abby Bryant

Get in touch

Contact Abby Bryant, Chief Commercial Officer

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