Submerged terrestrial landscapes can be buried deep beneath the current sea bed, and date from a time when sea-levels were significantly lower than present day. Wessex Archaeology’s specialist team of geoarchaeologists use geotechnical data and samples to interpret and characterise these landscapes, usually in conjunction with our world leading Marine Geophysics team.

Marine geoarchaeological work is usually carried out under a staged process, allowing the archaeological potential of the sediments to be identified and investigated using a targeted approach proportionate to the significance of the findings. A geoarchaeological desk-based assessment can also provide an overarching view of archaeological potential for schemes such as offshore wind farms which cross both land and sea.


Sander Aerts

Environmental Manager

Sander Aerts

Alex Brown

Geoarchaeology Manager

Alex Brown

Ed Treasure

Environmental Archaeologist

Ed Treasure


Archaeological project design

Geoarchaeological description and interpretation

Log review

Deposit modelling

Palaeoenvironmental assessment and analysis

Contact our team today

+44 1722 326867

+44 1722 326867
Alex Brown

Get in touch

Contact Alex Brown, Geoarchaeology Manager

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