Wessex Archaeology Community & Education delivers Sustainability, Legacy and Social Value for our clients.
As an organisation with its routes founded in educating the public, Wessex Archaeology’s dedicated and experienced Community Engagement team use archaeology as an exciting stimulus to enhance people’s knowledge of the arts, science, heritage and culture.
All activity is delivered with a pedagogical approach; in schools, at events and on site.
Engagement Menu
We have an excellent track record of delivering engaging events targeted at specific audiences.
From hands on sessions for young people to ‘question time’ style panel discussions and sensory sessions for the elderly and isolated, we ensure that everyone gets involved.

Wessex Archaeology can deliver bespoke school-based sessions or activities. Bespoke school sessions can build links with the local community and help young people understand the value of the discoveries made on client sites.
We also have a set menu of sessions and activities that we can deliver in schools that require minimal preparation and setup time.
All our sessions meet key National Curriculum learning outcomes to ensure that young people taking part can explore literacy, science, art and technology, as well as history.

Our Education and Community Manager, Sam Fieldhouse, has extensive experience of developing and delivering quality learning in the heritage sector.
Sam has delivered the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge and the Sandford Award for Excellence in Heritage Education for organisations across the UK.
We can deliver exciting resources as a project legacy that enable young people to understand the value of a site, and use its archaeology to enhance and stimulate learning into the future.
Our Studio and Community Engagement team collaborate to ensure that learning is always a multi-modal and sensory experience. We create resources and legacy material in a range of formats including 3D prints, models, clothing and online activities.


Volunteer engagement
Provide volunteering opportunities
Volunteer management
Talks and lectures
Specialist groups
Voluntary organisations

Get in touch
Contact Samuel Fieldhouse, Community & Education Manager