Head OfficeWessex Archaeology
Portway House
Old Sarum Park
Coastal & MarineI joined the Coastal & Marine Team in Salisbury in 2008 and have been involved in a diverse range of projects including wind farms, interconnector cable routes and aggregate dredging areas. I am responsible for writing desk-based assessments, Environmental Impact Assessments, Written Schemes of Investigations and Method Statements and also in spatial surveying, which is an aspect I particularly enjoy.
I am also involved with archaeological protocols for unexpected finds and recently helped establish the Marine Antiquities Scheme, a parallel project to the Portable Antiquities Scheme. I spend time curating these objects when they arrive at Wessex Archaeology right through from identification, dissemination and reporting to preparing archives for deposition with relevant museums or other repositories. It is essential that the archaeological record and archive generated from fieldwork is accurate and of a professional archaeological standard. Ensuring that this high standard is maintained is something that particularly motivates me.
Other project work I have undertaken includes mapping archaeological features using aerial photography, digital imagery, remote sensing techniques and historic mapping; intertidal, coastal and riverine walkover surveys leading and training volunteers, assisting the dive team in the preparation, fieldwork and post-fieldwork sessions, archaeological interpretation of ROV survey data, geoarchaeological analysis of cores and production of report graphics.
I love working with a great team of knowledgeable and enthusiastic individuals which gives me the confidence and drive to ensure project deliverables are of a high professional standard for both the client and the company.