51.101837711864, -1.7830896377563


Head Office
Wessex Archaeology
Portway House
Old Sarum Park


Research Specialist

I originally joined Wessex as a field archaeologist back in 2000, after studying  maritime archaeology as a post graduate at Southampton University, and for over ten years I was involved in small to large scale excavations from green field sites to deep urban stratigraphy. I rejoined Wessex at the beginning of the year as a Research Supervisor. My current role entails writing PXAs and publications of fieldwork projects and sometimes a bit of QAing.

I’m driven by an innate curiosity; a passion for unravelling stratigraphy – detective work(!); to learn new skills and consolidate what I know and a determination to help see projects through to their final dissemination. It’s important for me to see that all the hard work that is done in the field is reflected in post excavation reports/ publications.

Outside work I love going to the beach and swimming in the sea with my children - I have a habit of looking for worked flint along the foreshore which fascinates them. I don’t have much spare time but when I do it’s spent catching up with ol’ friends.