51.101837711864, -1.7830896377563
Head OfficeWessex Archaeology
Portway House
Old Sarum Park
Coastal & MarineI have worked in the Coastal & Marine team since 2008 based in Salisbury where my current role is to prepare Desk-based Assessments, Environmental Impact Assessments, Written Schemes of Investigation, and Method Statements for offshore industry, including wind farms, the marine aggregate industry, ports and harbours, and offshore cable routes. I am a commercially qualified scuba and surface supplied diver, and have led investigations and participated in a number of surveys on various shipwrecks around the UK. Other projects I have worked on include intertidal and coastal walk-over surveys, archaeological interpretation of aerial survey data, archaeological assessment of ROV data, quay side archaeological monitoring, and the archaeological monitoring of dredging work.
I am keen to ensure that archaeological protocols are followed that allow the industry to report unexpected finds in convenient and effective ways. In 2015 I became the project manager for the Marine Aggregate Industry Archaeological Protocol and the Fishing Industry Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries.
I am motivated by investigating and protecting the archaeological resource and ensuring that any potential effects from development are minimised through appropriate mitigation measures.
In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my kids, baking, and exploring heritage sites and museums.