51.101837711864, -1.7830896377563


Head Office
Wessex Archaeology
Portway House
Old Sarum Park


Research Specialist

I recently joined the specialist team at Wessex Archaeology having previously worked as a Roman pottery specialist in London for over ten years. I am well-established in the analysis of ceramics and have published reports on assemblages from a series of large-scale urban sites from the City of London. These include the recent revisiting of the site of the Temple of Mithras, as part of the new Bloomberg headquarters, which produced three tonnes of pottery from a tightly dated sequence. My experience also extends to rural sites in the home counties particularly within Kent. 

I am motivated by being at the forefront of the examination of Romano-British ceramics and finding innovative ways to critically analyse assemblages. 

Outside of work I have am a keen amateur photographer which I like to combine with my passion for historical places and travel.