50.910466, -1.47947

Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by St Mary’s Church Parochial Church Council (PCC) to undertake an archaeological watching brief during groundworks at St Mary’s Church, Eling Hill, Totton, Hampshire centred on National Grid Reference (NGR) 436693, 112462. The watching brief was requested by the Archaeological Advisor to the Diocesan Advisory Committee following the submission of a proposal to improve the drainage at the northern end of the churchyard. Earlier remedial work in 2009 to repair a drainage pipe had been unsuccessful and five hand dug test pits were excavated to facilitate the installation of a new water pipe. Although no archaeological features were recorded during the watching brief, the results have provided a comprehensive record of the deposits on the northern side of the church and indicated a relatively high level of disturbance adjacent to the path.Previous work on the site has provided evidence that the church dates from the Saxon period and indicated Romano-British activity in the vicinity, however the relatively minor excavations undertaken during the two phases of watching brief completed in 2009 and 2011, did not identify further remains relating to this activity.