Excavations at Larkhill revealed graffiti left by soldiers training to fight in World War One. Soldiers from Britain, New Zealand and Australia wrote on the chalk walls of the practice trenches. Their signatures have enabled us to identify some of the men, to research their stories and, on some occasions, to contact their descendants.

On the one hundredth anniversary of the end of the war to end all wars, we would like to take this opportunity to remember them.

Baird, John Herbert

Barclay, R

Beatty, Samuel

Billinge, Thomas Edwin

Bray, R

Browning, Frank

Burke, Benjamin

Canavan, Thomas

Chesgzoy, Albert

Chisholm, J

Cook, David Grant

Cornock, Maurice

Craven, Stanley Thomas

Deveril, George Herbert

Devlin, William

Draper, Denis John

Duggan, Thomas

Dunn, T

Earle, Eugene Schuyler

Edwards, H

Edwards, John

Edwards, Torrington Richard

Fisher, J

Fleming, Albert James Gordon

Flemming, George Thomas

Godbee, Keith Randolph

Gough, Herbert

Gunton, Archibald George

Harris, B

Haug, Alfred Louis

Hemming, George Thomas

Heskith, S

Hillam, Willie Thomas

Humphries, R

Jackson, David John

Jacob, Walter Swanston

Knott, Sidney

Lawson, Andrew

Loat, Harold G

Lovejoy, Frederick W C

MacRath, Joseph

Magowan, Samuel

Menson, Harold

Mitchell, Norman L

Newby, Thomas

Nunn, Harold Henry

O'Loughlin, John Michael

Peacock, Ernest

Pepper, H

Pope, Archibald Edward 

Preutice, A J

Rhodes, Oswald Thomas Gardiner

Richards, George Henry

Richards, John Alfred

Ricketts, A J

Roberts, Stanley George

Rogers, P

Rose, Cornelius William

Sammons, Sydney James

Seat, H A

Swanson, Jack

Thorpe, Raymond William

Threlfall, E

Towks, D

Walsh, D'Arcy Stuart

Walter, Swanston Jacob

Watson, T

Weathers, Lawrence Carthage (VC)

Weatherspoon, John

Williams, Charles H

Whitbread, George Henry

Whitehall Robert

White, Ernest Thomas

With thanks to Briony Lalor and Sheila Evans for their work researching these soldiers. This is an ongoing project to identify and recognise the sacrifice of soldiers from across the world. If you have any information that could help us with our research, please get in touch.

Poppy image by Evgeny Freyer (Shutterstock.com)