Today we had the South Wiltshire Young Archaeologist’s Club onsite, as one of our Project Florence events.  They were meant to come out before this to help with the excavations, but it was cancelled due to bad weather.

As a consolation, we invited them in their school holidays for a site visit, getting one last look at the site before it closes for this season.  This meant they could not get their hands dirty, we have a lot of recording to do before Saturday and new discoveries are no longer welcome.

Instead, we got them filming, using our head camera, Ipad and working with the film-maker, Simon Davison. Simon was on site to film the lifting of one of the most significant burials we have found yet.  This skeleton belongs to a female, who had a considerable number of finds buried with her including a cosmetic brush, ring and beads.

The club members quizzed our CBA Community Archaeology Trainee, Angus Forshaw about what he was doing, as he lifted the skeleton. They also reported on events around the site and explained on camera about some of the discoveries.

We will be showing of the results of their hard work soon.  Today, read about what Rebecca thought of the site, and view Harry talking about one of the discoveries made in the burial.

I’m Becca and I am 14.  I came to the site with YAC. We’ve been learning about the history of the site, which I think is really interesting.  I like the skeleton, which we filmed them lifting.  It is particularly great because of the finds we saw with the burial.  It is sites like this that make me want to get into archaeology as a career.


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