Wessex Archaeology’s Sheffield office had their white roses at the ready for the Yorkshire Day Celebrations at Pontefract Castle on Saturday 1 August 2015. The busy summer season for the community team continued with another outing for the ‘Sands of Time’ sandpit excavation activity. This time, the team were joined by Senior Geomatics Officer, Chris Breeden, who came to show off his ‘machines that go bing’, otherwise known as a Bartington Grad601-2 dual fluxgate gradiometer and a CAT scanner. Chris was on hand to explain to the visitors to the Wessex Archaeology stall how gradiometers are used to undertake surveys to identify the presence of possible archaeological remains below the ground and demonstrate the use of CAT scanners to detect buried cables. 

The event was very well attended with over 1000 people coming to see all the attractions on offer, which also included falconry displays, fresco painting and medieval bread making. There was also a very special stall run by the Friends of Pontefract Castle which celebrated all things Yorkshire. For details of all the events happening at Pontefract Castle this summer, please use the following link: http://www.wakefield.gov.uk/residents/events-and-culture/castles/castle-events
If you would like Wessex Archaeology’s Community and Education team to help you with your event, please email education@wessexarch.co.uk
By Alexandra Grassam, Senior Heritage Consultant