In April 2017 Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by West Waddy ADP on behalf of the Winterbourne Medieval Barn Trust to undertake archaeological investigations in the grounds surrounding the medieval Court Farm Barn.
Geophysical survey had suggested the presence of a moat ditch. Three trenches to the south of the barn were located to target this anomaly, with a fourth trench positioned closer to the barn to investigate any related structures. Three test pits were also hand-excavated to the north of the barn to investigate standing wall footings and related stratigraphy.
Whilst no evidence for a moat was revealed, investigations found intact medieval soil horizons, with ditches both contemporary and later in date than the 14th-century barn, as well as 18th- and 19th-century stone drains.
For more information on the site, follow this link to the project page.
By Tracey Smith