Andrew Youl from the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) joined our Executive Management Team at our new Bristol office last week to sign a funding agreement to support the development of our business in the city. 
The money comes from the West of England Growth Fund which provides help towards investments designed to promote growth and employment. In our case, the money will help support our investments in equipment, a vehicle and local office facilities and has already resulted in the creation of several new full-time and temporary positions.

In their first weeks of trading, the Bristol team have already secured eight new projects in the region. Business Manager, Andy King explained, "Despite all our communications technology, business people prefer to deal with local suppliers.  We are seeing enquiries from our Bristol neighbours for work across the whole of the South West and into the Midlands."

Chief Executive Chris Brayne said, “We were attracted to Bristol by the city's prospects for growth and the availability of local skills and expertise. By opening an office here we made a commitment to invest in business development and staff training and have been delighted by the response from staff and local businesses. We are very grateful the West of England LEP for their support and hope to continue working with them as we grow."