The dreadful events in Nepal have provided a shocking reminder as to why we’re doing the Trailwalker Challenge.
Oxfam and the Gurkha Welfare Trust are working in Nepal in the aftermath of the worst earthquake to affect the country in 80 years. Oxfam are already digging latrines and delivering water. The Gurkha Welfare Trust are making their facilities and resources available to help with the relief effort. 
Oxfam have let us know that any sponsorship that we raise for this event within the next two weeks will be used for the emergency response in Nepal. 
The next few days will be critical to help those most in need. Clean water, emergency food support, shelter and hygiene kits will be needed if we are to save lives in the wake of this disaster. 
Anything at all you can give would be very gratefully received  
We promise that more light-hearted blogs will be back soon, including updates on our varied (and occasionally disastrous) training regimes!
Best wishes, 
The Wessex Trailwalker Team