The Built Heritage Team at Wessex Archaeology was recently commissioned by VINCI BAM Nuttall JV to carry out historic building recording of the Clock Tower on Victoria Street, London affectionately known as 'Little Ben'.

Little Ben was erected in 1892 by the renowned clock maker Gillett & Johnston of Croydon and is a fine example of Victorian craftsmanship. Clock towers of this type rose in popularity during the late 19th – early 20th centuries as objects of commemoration and many examples can be found throughout the country, built not only in cast iron but also in brick and stone.

Little Ben was removed from its original location following road widening works in 1964. Following a significant programme of renovation, which included the installation of a completely new mechanism as well a fresh coat of paint, the clock tower was re-erected near to its original location on 6th December 1981.

The Little Ben clock tower is scheduled to be temporarily removed as part of the upgrade works to Victoria Underground Station. It will be reinstated in its present position following the completion of the work.