We end the year with the delivery of a record 46 publications, (see the full list here). Our publications range from monographs on large-scale joint venture projects (A46 and East Kent Access Road), occasional papers such as Riverside Exchange, Sheffield Investigations on the site of the Town Mill, Cutlers’ Wheel, Marshall's Steelworks and the Naylor Vickers Works, as well as a number of articles in local, regional and international journals.       
Imperial College and RMC Land monograph is at the printers and we are working on a number of other monographs and occasional papers. We continue to develop the ebook series (available from the Oxbow Books website), and we are in the process of reprinting the Amesbury Archer a third time.
The delivery of such an impressive number of publications is a fantastic achievement and I would like to thank everyone for their hard work in making this possible, and we hope you enjoy reading them.