On a warm and sunny Tuesday in July, Wessex Archaeology’s Coastal & Marine department opened their new storage facility in Amesbury and invited Wessex Archaeology staff to explore. The team also invited all the neighbouring businesses in The Bluestone Centre and welcomed some intrigued visitors! 

The day started quietly while shade was put up, finds were displayed, and refreshments laid out. Suddenly, two car-loads of staff from Admin and HR arrived on their way back from Barrow Clump and it started to feel alive.

Staff chatting inside the new unit

Shortly after, we had visitors from Geoservices, IT, EMT, Finds and Fieldwork. Towards the end of the afternoon we were joined by more members of the Senior Management Team and Executive Management Team, including our CEO Chris Brayne.

  Altogether, 53 people visited the unit during the Open Day of which 44 were Wessex Archaeology staff that had made the effort to journey up from our Salisbury office. We are very grateful to all of those who came long and enjoyed the afternoon with us! 


By Danielle Wilkinson (Project Manager)