I am Tristan Bradburn, I am about to complete my first month working at Wessex Archaeology as a 3D character artist, but it feels much longer. Working amongst the archaeological greats that clearly have the passion for heritage. It most definitely has given me pride to work for a such an outstanding company. Especially doing something I love, creating characters from history!

I’m currently focusing on recreating a family to go in our Anglo-Saxon VR experience. I’ll be creating clothing, equipment, and hairstyles to capture an accurate likeness to make this experience as historically accurate as possible. I have learnt a lot during my time on this project, and now understand how important even small details, such as stitching and fabric patterns are, to make the recreation historically accurate.

View of back of Anglo-Saxon man in blue tunic - 3D character created by new character artist View of front of Anglo-Saxon man in blue tunic - 3D character created by new character artist

I find it fascinating how skilful people were during the 10th century. I am learning about how clothing and equipment were made using a wide range of unusual materials. I didn’t know they used bones to make hair combs or that colours and patterns could represent social status.

I’ve always been excited to create characters, equipment, and weapons from history. As an avid player of RPG games set in history, I am motivated to produce high quality work and to represent their lives as best as I possibly can. Each character, along with their clothing, equipment and surroundings, can tell a unique story. I hope to tell their stories with my work, through design, texturing, and behaviour/animation. I have previously worked on projects that represent history, but not to this extent. It’s an exciting challenge to see how accurate I can make my recreations of history.

After focusing on these characters, I feel more and more inclined to experience the past through VR, to feel the things I can’t gain from research alone, to begin to experience what it was like to live life as an Anglo-Saxon. I believe it’s a great way to experience earlier lifestyles.

I am equally excited that in future, I will have the opportunity to recreate characters from other periods in history, including the Medieval, Bronze-Age and Romano-British.

By Tristan Bradburn, 3D Character Artist