Thursday 10th April 2014 saw the latest Volunteers Together event take place at the new Stonehenge visitors’ centre. 
Volunteer Together events are organised by the members of the Stonehenge Learning & Outreach Co-ordination Group (English Heritage, National Trust, Salisbury Museum, Wiltshire Museum and Wessex Archaeology) as a way of thanking our many enthusiastic volunteers and sharing news from the World Heritage Site. 

Thursday’s event featured updates from the World Heritage Site and Salisbury Museum’s new Wessex gallery, as well as an opportunity to network over tea and cake. The highlight was a chance to go behind the scenes at the Neolithic houses being constructed behind the visitors’ centre. Luke Winter from the Ancient Technology Centre guided us round the houses explaining construction methods and materials. Susan Greaney from English Heritage then described how the houses will be used as interactive learning zones once completed. 
Both the Stonehenge Learning & Outreach Co-ordination Group members, and the volunteers thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, and are looking forward to the next event.