Last week staff from Wessex Archaeology’s Sheffield office held a training course for a group of environmental managers and advisors, and design engineers from Laing O’Rourke Infrastructure.

During the morning, WA staff presented a range of subjects, from a rapid tour through British prehistory and history, to geophysical surveys and recording historic buildings. We then took the opportunity to illustrate a discussion of archaeological techniques using images from sites commissioned by Laing O’Rourke – along the A453 road scheme near Nottingham – thus updating them with the results of the ongoing analysis at the same time. After lunch and several lunchtime discussions, WA delivered a session describing the benefits of community engagement for construction schemes, and we had a final presentation from WA’s specialist-service partner, Thomson Ecology, which described their ecological surveys, impact assessments, GIS mapping and habitat-creation projects.
This was designed as a training day specifically for Laing O’Rourke and WA are grateful that they allowed our archive intern to attend with them. From the feedback we received, the attendees found the course interesting and useful, and our intern also thoroughly enjoyed it.
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