So, the trucks were loaded in Rochester and Salisbury, and our intrepid band of Trailwalkers Mark, Dave, Susan and Vi, supported by our Chief Executive Chris alongside Lisa, Rob and Andy, have rendezvoused at the Queen Elizabeth Country Park start point and registered, alarmingly filling in next of kin forms. They then enjoyed an excellent complimentary carb-loading pasta tea courtesy of the Gurkhas. The organisation is second to none, even in some atrocious weather, but we are reassured the weather will be much improved for the team’s 7am start (ouch!) today. Sponsorship continues to flood in, with nearly £2.5k raised so far. This includes some fantastic generosity from, amongst many others, Opti-cal Survey Equipment, our strategic partners Thomson Ecology and the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC). Always room for a bit more sponsorship though…
By Andrew Crockett, Regional Manager South