Site 5012 is an area known as the 'Shoal of the Lead', located south of Bognor Regis, on the Sussex coast. The 'Dive Sussex' diver guide suggests that the name of the area is derived from two possibilities - either a wreck that was discovered there carrying a cargo of lead ingots, or that the small mussels covering the shoal give it a leaden hue. Sports divers visiting the area have claimed to see various remains of vessels and objects, including an anchor measuring over four metres in length. These observations indicate that there is a possibility that this area contains interesting archaeology. The shoal measures 56m by 9m, and is on the edge of a drop-off to 67m in depth. Due to the quantity of lobster pots and other potentially hazardous items for geophysical equipment, Wessex Archaeology did not investigate the area using either geophysical methods or diver survey. INSERT_MAP