Following a successful recruitment drive we are pleased to welcome three new project officers and a supervisor to the Sheffield team
Peter Noble has more than 20 years’ experience, much of which was gained working in Ireland and the north-west. Milica Rajik has worked as a commercial archaeologist since 1999 and as well as running infrastructure projects in Ireland Mili is an experienced post-excavation manager and finds specialist. Paula Whitaker also has over 15 years’ experience working throughout Britain, and is Education Officer and a trustee of the Mellor Archaeological Trust – a local community group. Last, but not least, Owen Batchelor joins us as a supervisor with a diverse portfolio of projects in Britain, Canada and Australia.  
We also welcome 30 new site assistants to the Sheffield team, who are currently deployed on large-scale infrastructure and energy projects in Greater Manchester, North Wales, East Anglia and Humberside. To further strengthen our place as the market leader in the north we hope to add a new manager and additional support staff in the following months. With our new additions the Sheffield team is almost 90 strong; we wish all our new staff a warm welcome and look forward to working with you all over the following year – exciting times at Wessex North!