It’s over! In August 2018 we began archaeological fieldwork on the site of Sheffield Castle and now, two years later in August 2020, we have finished reporting on the eleven trenches of the archaeological evaluation and borehole survey. It’s a great feeling to complete a project, and even better when the project has featured in the public eye and imagination like this one.

We have completed a final archive report (Sheffield Castle, Sheffield, South Yorkshire: Archaeological Evaluation Final Archive Report) detailing the results and analysis of the evaluation. This report is free to download from our Case Study here and contains everything we learnt during the 2018 works including new specialist analyses.

Of course, it’s not the end of the story for the castle site. But for now, we can relax and remember the sweat-soaked days of summer working with friends old and new, and the giddy thrill of discovery.

To find out more about this site or watch the videos select the Case Study link below.