Let me introduce myself

Hi. My name’s Laura Joyner and I am the Project Florence Officer. I thought I would use my first ever blog to tell you a bit about me and my role in the project.

I’ve always been a keen historian but did not take up the trowel until 2009 when I volunteered on a community dig at Woking Palace in Surrey. Since then I’ve been an enthusiastic archaeologist and I enjoy sharing this passion with others.

I started my new role as Project Florence Officer (PFO) on 1st June and have been settling in to the Wessex Archaeology offices nicely.

As PFO I will be responsible for coordinating volunteers and working with them to organise activities and events that will run alongside Operation Nightingale. I will be using this blog and the Project Florence Twitter feed (@WAFlorence) to keep you updated on the project and I look forward to hearing your news and views.