The Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group consists of pottery specialists, other archaeologists and members of the public. The group aims to promote regular contacts between those with interests in prehistoric ceramics and to keep in touch with recent developments and current research.

The Group held its annual Spring meeting at Wessex Archaeology earlier this month. Archaeologists, amateurs and potters met to hear about recent discoveries from Wessex Archaeology's recent excavations on the Salisbury Plain Training Area, at MOD Durrington, Porton Down, Amesbury and Yeovil.

Grace Jones talked about pottery from Poole Harbour, and brought an extraordinary pair of pots to show the Group: the larger vessel (on the left) is an ordinary Collared Urn of the Early Bronze Age. The smaller one (on the right) was found inside it, and comes from the Armorican region of north-west France (shown here by courtesy of Bournemouth University).
Bill Crumbleholme – a professional potter – produces replicas of prehistoric pottery, and brought a selection along. He is currently replicating pots for the Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre, and is researching and developing a range of clays and inclusions to use for the pottery, which covers styles from the Neolithic to the late Iron Age. Interestingly, clay dug on the Head makes very poor pots – as you can see on the project's website.