After Friday’s dismal weather it was wonderful to see a blue sky and dry ground as we arrived for the start of Week Two. We need some good weather to finish excavating features in area 3B. The clock is ticking and we have a lot of work to do. There are around sixty features still to dig and only five days to do it in. Sadly this will be our final year at Down Farm so we are anxious to complete the work. However, help is at hand as half of this week’s volunteers have been on the course before and so they have a real head start.

In a slight change to our usual programme, and after an introductory talk from Chris Ellis, we headed straight to site to begin work. We used hoe and brush to clean the site so we could see the unexcavated features more clearly. The wet weather had softened the ground and by lunchtime the site was immaculate, ready for excavation to begin.

In the afternoon we started excavating. By the end of the day several people had excavated their first postholes and had begun to record them. This is fantastic progress and bodes well for the week ahead.