Well now that we are firmly into the New Year we have barely a moment to catch our breath. The pre-Christmas snows delayed many sites and we are now rushing to cover them all at once. With staff from Goole to Gloucester we are covering a large area ensuring sure that all of our projects are staffed so we can satisfy all our clients.
With the New Year comes a new starter, we have Grace Corbett working in the office now as a consultancy Project Officer helping to manage our sites and our busy archaeology consultancy department.
The team are very excited at the prospect of excavation starting in Leicestershire in the near future. An evaluation on a Deserted Medieval Village in the summer uncovered a series of features which corroborated with promising geophysical survey data and we are now going back for a closer look. With pottery dating from the 9th - 11th centuries and bone objects including a comb and a pin we are hopeful of some interesting discoveries which we will update you on in due course.