Wessex Archaeology is delighted to announce the publication of our latest Occasional Paper A Romano-British Roadside Settlement at Beanacre, Wiltshire by Cai Mason. The publication presents the results of archaeological monitoring during the construction of a new electricity supply line for the Great Western Railway and uncovered a large, previously unknown, Romano-British settlement along the main road between the Roman towns of Aquae Sulis and Cunetio. The settlement was established in the mid- to late 1st century AD and was continuously occupied until the end of the 4th century. A range of features were found including buildings, wells, pits, a crop drier and numerous ovens. The ovens were a key feature of the site, with over 40 examples being revealed, and it is thought that providing provisions such as bread and pork played an important role in the site’s economy. The artefacts recovered indicate a highly Romanised settlement. A pair of small stone altars provide evidence for a roadside shrine.

Read more about the project here.

By Pippa Bradley, Senior Publications Manager