Our Geoservices department are delighted to welcome the newest member of our Terrestrial Geophysics team, Rok Plesničar, who joins us all the way from Kanal in Slovenia. Rok studied at the University of Ljubljana, obtaining a Master’s degree in archaeology in 2011. He first experienced geophysics while undertaking fieldwork in Greece as a student, and has since undertaken surveys throughout Europe. 
Following graduation, Rok became a member of the ‘Radio-Past: Radiography of the Past’ project, involving him with geophysical projects across Germany, Portugal and Greece. He has also worked at a researcher in the University of Ljubljana archaeology department, and as a freelance archaeologist on a wide variety of different projects. As you might imagine, Rok has acquired an enviable range of skills from his experiences! He is looking forward to this new challenge, and hopes to develop his existing knowledge as well as learning new skills. 
During his first fortnight, Rok has been getting to grips with our procedures and software in anticipation of several large fieldworks projects on the horizon, as well as getting to know the Salisbury team. We’re crossing our fingers for good weather next week for his first survey with us.
Welcome to the team, Rok!