Wessex Archaeology were invited by the Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (Sussex IFCA) to attend a Ministerial meeting in Shoreham and present the newly launched Fishing Industry Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries (FIPAD).
On Monday 30th April 2012 the Rt Hon Richard Benyon MP, Minister for Fisheries, officially opened the new Sussex IFCA offices and drew attention to the new Protocol. Following a briefing about the Protocol by Dr Nikki Cook of Wessex Archaeology, the Minister was keen that the FIPAD project should be operating throughout other IFCA areas, which was very encouraging. Mr Benyon heard about the importance of the objects reported so far and saw the display and promotional materials that Wessex Archaeology has prepared.

The meeting coincided with the AGM of the Sussex IFCA, and there was the opportunity to promote the FIPAD project amongst its members, including representatives from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), sea-anglers, fishermen and local councillors. The enthusiastic support and interest in the newly launched Fishing Protocol will hopefully result in some exciting  archaeological discoveries being reported in the coming months.
The FIPAD project (www.fipad.org ) is being run by Wessex Archaeology on behalf of English Heritage and in collaboration with Sussex IFCA.