Despite big black clouds and the occasional spot of rain, National Archaeology Day at Salisbury Museum was a big success again this year. More than 670 visitors enjoyed a wide variety of family activities from making pots to building Stonehenge. There was even an opportunity to go snorkelling underwater for finds! Visitors were fascinated by Neil Burridge’s demonstration of Bronze Age metal-working while children enjoyed helping Julian Richards build a huge Stonehenge trilithon.

Visitors had a go at the various stages of archaeology from excavating and recording to finds washing and conservation. They tried their hand at metal detecting and making pots, made models of Stonehenge and reconstructed faces like the experts on ‘Meet the Ancestors’.

Volunteers from Salisbury Museum, The Wiltshire Conservation Centre, Salisbury Cathedral, National Trust and Wessex Archaeology were joined by local societies for what has become a favourite annual event.