Hello my name is Alfred Nye and this is my blog about my work experience. Throughout the course of the week I have learnt many things including how to use CAD (Computer Aided Design). I was also taught basic office duties such as learning to use the printer, scanning documents so that they can be sent to a computer, and learning how to use the shredder. I really enjoyed my week there and would love to do it again.
When I arrived for my first day I was really nervous but my confidence grew over just a few hours because everyone there seemed nice and they didn’t mind if I got things wrong. Today I worked in reception, sorting files and learning basic office duties.
By my second day they had me on CAD. I was shown the basics such as drawing lines, erasing them and adding annotations. They allowed me to experiment on CAD and I even managed to create a 3D building over the time that I was there.
On Wednesday Jo and Marie took me on a site visit. I saw how geographical equipment is used when doing a landscape survey. I was even allowed to help; I plotted observation points and lines on a map.
On my fourth day I looked at how social media is presented within the Wessex Archaeology website, looking at its ease of accessibility, how is the company reposting points such as latest news and how is the information relayed to you – by pictures, text, and videos, through social media.
On Friday I spent my time processing the data collected from the site visit. I transferred it onto CAD along with maps of the site. I had to include a scale of the map, along with a North arrow. When that was done I completed all unfinished work I had started in the days before, until I had to go.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Wessex Archaeology and it has helped me to appreciate that archaeology isn’t all about walking across a muddy field. I have also learnt some useful skills in geography and have learnt some universal office skills.