Sue, the first Project Florence volunteer, tells us about why she wanted to volunteer and how she got on:


As an Australian, the opportunity to be part of an archaeological dig has never been open to me so my experience is nil but my enthusiasm is boundless.   You would think then that my coming to Britain was to have this opportunity.  WRONG!!  I came for a completely different reason but being aware of Wessex Archaeology and their work I decided I would volunteer my services in the typing up of reports for others so that it would give the people who really knew  what they were doing the opportunity to go out and do the “hands on” stuff. 


Imagine my surprise when I was offered the opportunity to actually take part – I had honestly not thought that it would be an option.  And on such a fantastic project; the aim of Operation Nightingale in rehabilitating injured soldiers is a most worthwhile one. 


Not only have I the been able to be on site, and even had the chance to wield a brand new trowel, there was the excitement of knowing that the site was already revealing Anglo Saxon burials -  one of which was actually uncovered in my presence.  What a moment that was!

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