Wessex Archaeology continues to support Operation Nightingale by offering two keen soldiers work placements. Angus Forshaw, Community Archaeology Trainee with WA, wrote about these work placements for the blog:

"Following on from the success of last summer’s excavation at Barrow Clump, two soldiers, Steve and Kenny, have been doing work placements at Wessex Archaeology’s Salisbury office.

Steve has been working with the environmental archaeology team. He has been busy sieving and sorting soil samples. These samples have been collected during excavations on site and can reveal a number of things, including small artefacts that may have been missed on site as well as any surviving environmental material, which could tell us more about the environment of the past.

While Steve has been working on the post-excavation side of things, Kenny has been out in the field with the excavation team. He has worked on a variety of sites and been able to excavate a number of exciting features. With a lot of this fieldwork being over the winter, it has given him a real taste of what being a field archaeologist can be like!"

Since Angus’s blog was written, Steve has completed his discharge from the army and been hired as a member of the environmental team at WA. His natural abilities and enthusiasm, as well as the skills he acquired during his work placement, have made Steve a valuable asset to the organisation and we welcome him on board.
Find out more about our work with Op Nightingale on the Project Florence webpages and on the blog.