Monday 6 May 2019

10am – 5pm

Salisbury Museum

No booking necessary, free to attend


Experience a live dig at Salisbury Museum on Bank Holiday Monday 6 May with Dr Phil Harding and Lorraine Mepham from Wessex Archaeology!

Over the course of the day, Phil will be digging an archaeological test pit in the museum forecourt, just outside the Salisbury Museum Café. Since 2016, Phil and Lorraine, both key members of Channel 4’s ‘Time Team’, have been annually adding to the museum’s knowledge of the fascinating history of its building, by digging test pits during the Festival of Archaeology. This has demonstrated archaeology in action as well as revealed long forgotten additions to the building. 

For 2019, the team intend on looking further at the history of what was once a simple storage building and has, over hundreds of years, been absorbed into the main structure of what is now the museum.

This is a demonstration dig, and so Phil and Lorraine will be chatting to visitors as well as getting on with the excavation and finds processing.

All the findings will be revealed at this year’s Festival of Archaeology at a talk given by Salisbury Museum Director, Adrian Green and our Finds Specialist, Lorraine Mepham. The Festival is taking place over the weekend of 13 and 14 July, and tickets for this and all the other talks, will go on sale shortly at


Photograph courtesy of Ash Mills