Last week, Kent’s archaeological experts gathered together at the Singleton Environment Centre to create a display about the archaeological discoveries of South Ashford.
Organised by Kent County Council, the event showcased some of Ashford’s most exciting discoveries of recent years. These related primarily to the Iron Age and Roman periods, including the Iron Age warrior burials at Brisley Farm and the Roman town at Westhawk Farm.

The Wessex Archaeology (WA) and CgMs Consulting display featured information about several exciting discoveries including a possible Roman fortlet at Cheeseman’s Green and an Iron Age settlement at Park Farm East. The exhibition provided an excellent opportunity to speak to local residents about these sites and to display some of the most exciting artefacts from them.  
The exhibition was launched on Friday morning when 90 children from local schools arrived and took part in interactive archaeology workshops. Pupils were introduced to the exhibition using a heritage trail designed by WA’s Community & Education Officer, and went on to take part in a range of exciting activities. The sessions were very well received and positive feedback was heard from both students and teachers. Friday afternoon saw the arrival of Ashford’s local dignitaries, including the Mayor of Ashford, Cllr David Smith, all of whom were interested to learn more about Ashford’s hidden past.
The public open day on Saturday was a huge success, enabling over 200 people from the local area to view the exhibition, speak to the archaeologists and handle the artefacts.