The Iona II Dive Trail was officially launched at the Lundy Splash In on Saturday 14th June. Local and visiting divers are now able to access a ranged of underwater guides and information books to enhance their diving experience on the wreck of the Iona II off the east coast of Lundy.


These dive trail materials are available through nearby charter boats, local dive clubs and the Lundy Warden. They explain the structural remains of the wreck and the surrounding marine life and divers can learn about the Iona II’s short history as a Clyde paddle steamer and subsequent purchase and adaptation for use as a blockade runner in the American civil war. The story of the vessel’s loss in 1864 includes tales of mutiny and the crews efforts to remove cargo while the vessel was sinking and detail is also provided on the wrecks rediscovery in 1976 and subsequent archaeological investigations. Iona II was recognised for her historic and archaeological interest in 1989 when the site was designated under the Protection of Wrecks Act 1973.


The Iona II Dive Trail was commissioned by English Heritage as a way of improving access to this protected wreck and providing extra information to divers applying for the compulsory, free of charge, licence to dive the wreck. The dive trail was created by Wessex Archaeology in collaboration with local dive clubs Appledore Sub Aqua Club, Bristol Channel Divers, Ilfracombe and North Devon Sub Aqua Club, Potters Bar Sub Aqua Club and Severnside Sub Aqua Club, and with the Lundy Warden and the Landmark Trust.


Further details on the Dive Trail materials and how to apply for a licence to dive the wreck will soon be available through the Dive Trail website where divers and non-divers alike will be free to access information about this fascinating ship.