Earlier this month Euan McNeill of Coastal & Marine, set off to Belgium where he presented ‘Dredging and port construction: interactions with features of archaeological or heritage interest’ at the 42nd meeting of the PIANC EnviCom (Environmental Commission).
The document, which Wessex Archaeology prepared on behalf of PIANC, outlines best practice with regards to protecting heritage during port and harbour development.
Our Coastal & Marine team are well versed in producing best practice guidance for a variety of clients and schemes, having worked with various industries over the last three decades to do just that.
Euan says, ‘It was a pleasure to present this important document, and the lessons learned during its production, to an international audience. The protection of heritage during development is an ongoing concern. Organisations like PIANC, which fund and then promote documents like this, are leading the way to responsible and sustainable development across the port and maritime infrastructure sector, both in Europe and further afield.
By Gemma Ingason, Coastal & Marine