I have been learning and practising using AutoCad and ArcGIS by digitising and drawing various profiles, site sections, skeletons and historic maps. I am getting used to the programmes, and the other day I was told – to my great surprise – that the graphics I had drawn had been used in a client report. This made me feel really pleased, and even rather amazed, that even in the first few weeks, and having never used AutoCad before, the graphics I had produced had actually been used in a professional capacity. This has given me a much needed confidence boost, and has spurred me on to keep practising and doing the best I can with the projects I am working on.

At the moment I have been digitising numerous skeletons and then colouring the them in with an AutoCad programme called M-Color. Digitising, scaling and then laying the skeletons out within a template and colouring them in with M-Colour is very careful and finicky work but – to me – a very enjoyable and absorbing process!
I have now been at Wessex Archaeology's Sheffield office for three weeks and I have three more weeks to go, so I’m exactly half way through my time here! I look forward to learning and producing even more and have found it such a brilliant learning curve, and very valuable work experience. It’s also been really interesting watching the people within the archaeological office environment going about their busy work, seeing the variety of careers within the sector, and working with a very friendly, fun and dedicated professional team of people.
By Kathryn Goulding