This week I produced drawings – site location and site plan graphics – in AutoCAD, and also produced some more plates to illustrate a report. I enjoyed this immensely, yet also found it to be challenging but satisfying, as it made me utilise everything I’d learnt in AutoCAD, not just drawing with tools such as polylines, but also the tips and tricks and shortcuts I’ve been shown or found. 
I’m very sad to say that it’s my last day here as the Illustrator's Assistant Intern for Wessex Archaeology Sheffield! I have completed 100 hours interning with Wessex Archaeology Sheffield – which was in liaison with University of Sheffield (where I am a student studying archaeology) and the University of Sheffield Career Service Internship Scheme. I cannot believe how quickly it’s gone by! It’s been an utterly brilliant and invaluable experience.
It’s been fantastic being on a very intensive, fast-paced but enjoyable learning curve; learning from skilled, experienced and wonderfully friendly and patient professionals, experiencing the world of Wessex Archaeology Sheffield’s amazing office environment. It’s been great to work hard whilst learning and practising using the new knowledge and skills I’ve gained.

I will come away from my internship with not only improved skills but brand new ones – I’ve learnt AutoCAD, ArcMapGIS, CorelDraw, and edited and produced graphics and illustrations using these programmes. I’ve experienced the ‘ins-and-outs’ of working in an archaeological office environment, and the various tasks, jobs and other things an Illustrator of archaeology might do on a daily basis, and loved the aspect of team-work, how a project might be shared and worked on by many individuals, and the interesting variety of tasks an Archaeological Illustrator performs. 
Everyone here has been so supportive and lovely, even when they’ve very busy and working hard themselves – so I thank them all for showing me the ropes and for giving me tasks to practise from and produce actual graphics for! It’s been a great opportunity, such a good learning experience, and it feels amazing to actually have produced some graphics, illustrations, and other figures for reports and projects!
By Kathryn Goulding