On Saturday 30th November, Andrew Norton (WA Regional Manager, North) and Norman Redhead (Greater Manchester Archaeological Advisory Service and Cathedral Archaeologist) will be presenting the results of our recent work at Manchester Cathedral. The event will be held at The Old Fire Station, The Crescent, University of Salford and run from 9.45 to 4.15.
Thirty-two skeletons were excavated within the nave, the graves comprised a mix of shroud burials, interments in wood and lead coffins and two graves where quicklime surrounded the deceased; a further 17 skeletons were recovered from a watching brief in the cathedral precinct.  The elaborate coffin furnishings manufactured from bronze and brass and five lead coffins within the nave, show these individuals to be of a high social standing, whilst the preference for iron coffin furnishings recovered during the watching brief outside the Cathedral, indicates the extra-mural burials were of individuals of a lower socioeconomic status than those buried within the Cathedral walls.
Find out more about the excavation by clicking here.