Wessex Archaeology's Geomatics and Geophysics teams will be involved in a series of events taking place at St Andrew's Church, Holcombe, Somerset, as part of the Festival of British Archaeology. This will involve all kinds of technological wizardly and there will also be more general activities led by Dr Neil Rushton of the Churches Conservation Trust and Prof Mick Aston.
We will be undertaking a live project in addition to the Festival activities; laser scanning the church inside and out, conducting a wide area aerial survey and surveying the churchyard.
The aerial survey component is particularly exciting: we will be using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to survey 10 sq. km. around the church to produce an incredibly  detailed Digital Surface Model (DSM) using automated photogrammetry plus orthographic, georeferenced colour and near-infrared imagery. This data will be interpreted by our aerial photo specialists and used to target geophysical survey of interesting sites.
More information on the project web page.
More information is also available here on other Wessex Archaeology events taking place for the Festival of British Archaeology.
Image used by kind permission of Callen Lenz.