On Friday 11 May 2018, Wessex Archaeology (North) undertook the latest of the open days at the former Titanic Works, Sheffield, as part of this year’s Sheffield Environment Weeks, on behalf of Derwent Students, Sheffield 3 and BSRE. It was another successful day and we’d like to thank everyone that came down to explore a special part of Sheffield’s heritage. We’d especially like to thank the staff and volunteers of Portland Works, Sheffield (the birthplace of stainless steel cutlery) whom we made one of our tours exclusively available to, and we hope they enjoyed experiencing another part of Sheffield’s steel making heritage.

The former Titanic Works is a Grade II listed building which includes a rare crucible furnace with two end stacks. The site was redeveloped in 2008, when two previously unknown crucible cellars were unearthed, adding to the known cellar beneath the listed structure. To find out more about the site take a look at our Project Pages and also the Hoyle Street Publication, which includes the former Titanic Works.

The open day comprised four 1-hour tours which were guided by members of our built heritage team explaining the processes involved in the production of crucible steel, along with background history of Sheffield and the local area, bringing the site to life.

It was a great day with all the tours fully booked, and enthusiastic visitors provided interesting and useful comments on some of the industrial facets. In fact, the wife of a former crucible teemer and a potter were amongst the visitors, providing us with even more insight.

Details of future open days will be available soon.

By Lucy Dawson, Principal Heritage Consultant